Pastor welcome
Welcome to the website of Manor Presbyterian Church, PCA in Cochranville, PA. If you are visiting our web site for the first time, we are delighted that you have taken an interest in our church.
I hope that our site proves useful as you seek an informative look at our purpose, beliefs, and ministries.
For our members and regular attenders, I hope this site provides a place where you can frequently visit for weekly news, announcements, schedules, and pictures. In addition, take time to peruse the numerous resources posted for your spiritual encouragement.
If these pages fail to answer any specific questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thanks again for visiting our site!
Daniel Henderson
Pastor, Manor Presbyterian Church
At Manor Presbyterian Church we want to trust God to use the "ordinary means of grace" to do an extraordinary work in and through his church. Our worship, life and ministry together focuses around God's Word preached and taught, the Sacraments celebrated, congregational prayer, and the regular loving fellowship of God's people. As we worship God together and pursue life together in gospel holiness, we will seek to minister in our community and beyond with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Manor Presbyterian Church is an evangelical and reformed congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America committed to making disciples who worship God, grow in community, and reach out to others with the hope of Jesus Christ.
What to Expect at Manor
Manor Church is located on Rt 926 about halfway between Rt 10 and Rt 41 in Cochranville PA
505 Street Road, Cochranville PA 19330
We give generously as an act of worship, not under compulsion of any kind but out of a joyful heart.
We have children's ministries for kids from birth up to 6th grade.
Children Birth to Pre-K may stay in the nursery for the entire service. Dedicated staff will take care of the children during the service. You are also welcome to keep your children with you during the service.
Children K to 5th grade start the service with the adults and are dismissed about half way though the service for KidsWorship.
Teenagers are encouraged to worship with adults. We also have youth programs for teenagers that meet on scheduled Sunday evenings and special events throughout the year.
Fill out a connection card (found in the weekly bulletin) or fill out the online form here for more information.