Sudan, Africa with Wycliffe Bible Translators
Eileen Kilpatrick is based in Australia, working with two Sudanese language groups, the Ma’di translating the New Testament and the Dinka Rek translating the Old Testament. Eileen also makes trips back to Sudan and more recently Democratic Republic of Congo to provide consultant help for linguistics and for Bible translation. She also is scheduled to check Mark’s gospel for the Burun language which is spoken in Blue Nile province in Sudan. There is a chance that the Jesus film will be translated into Avokaya, the Sudanese language Eileen worked with the produce a New Testament. There will be a series of three workshops, the first one in March-April 2011 to work on the script for the Jesus film in a total of six languages. Eileen and her coworker, Lynne Callinan, will be able to supervise the work on the Jesus film for the Avokaya.
Pray for peace in Sudan.