Redemptive Historical Reading Plan

 Redemptive Historical Reading Plan

I've mentioned that I'm going to use the Redemptive Historical Reading Plan in January.  This is different from other plans in a number of ways. First, instead of having to read 4 chapters / day to get through the 1,189 chapters of the Bible, one reads 200 chapters in total.

This allows a slower pace and more time for reflection and study.  Second, the chapters are carefully chosen to help show how the OT and NT are connected.  Most of the time, the NT passages that are chosen almost always quote the passages selected from the OT.  This will help us to see how Scripture is one unified story.    I've included some links for you to check out.

God bless you in your Bible reading & study!


Introduction to the plan

Redemptive Historical Reading Plan

Study Guide  (This looks a bit technical, but a great resource for individual or group study).